A Full Explanation Of cPanel Web Hosting

If you are just starting out with your own self-hosted website, you will be faced with a lot of different options for shared and dedicated hosting providers, and you will also most likely be bewildered by the dozens of things you need to know about the creation and security of your website. Everything from back up processes to billing, filtering, and many other things that are hard to learn in a short period of time. This is why it is important to choose a shared web hosting account if you are just starting out, and especially if you feel lost in the whole process. The reason behind this choice is a newbie’s most useful tool - the cPanel.

cPanel is short for a Control Panel. Once you sign up and log in to a secure server hosting account, it will be the very first page that you are brought to. From here, you begin the process of building your website and monitoring it. cPanels are usually divided into different sections, such as Billing, Mail, Preferences, Plugins, SEO, and others. This control panel is the entire working system of your website, and the first thing it will ask you to do is to check your billing system. It is usually one of the top bars, and you should certainly make it a point to check your address and other payment information.

The next thing you will be asked is to go through the Getting Started Wizard. Don’t skip this step. It will help you to set up the basic template of your website, as well as teach you the basic functions of the control panel, and show you where you can get more help if you need it. This Starting Wizard is absolutely crucial, and it is also something that you will not have with any other server system, which is why cPanel Web Hosting is so important for beginners.

Next, you will install a blogging platform. A blogging platform is not restricted to blogs. It is a system used by all websites in order to create posts and pages. This is usually a very quick process, and they are very straightforward and easy to use. As soon as you’ve installed one of the available platforms, go ahead and make your first post and an About page. You will always build on them later, but it is a good idea to get started straight away.

The next important part of your control panel is your file system. You should get familiar with it as soon as possible. Learn where all the root files are stored, as well as where all the additional files and installations are. If you ever need to configure any of them in the future, it will be very helpful for you if you know exactly where they are and not waste time looking for them. Check more details at ServerSpace.

Finally, you will be introduced to the many plug-ins that come with your hosting package. The first one that you should set up is the web analyzer. It will tell you how many people visited your website each day, as well as which of your posts are the most popular ones, and many other useful information. This can greatly help you when producing future posts. If you know what your visitors like, then it will be easier to keep them coming back to your website. Also, make sure that you create a steady back-up system. Set it up to automatically back up your files at least once a week. You never know when something bad might happen. Can you imagine having to write hundreds of pages of content all over again?

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